Where it all began.

The Gifted Gab is a platform for the individuals who shape culture, inspire and bet on themselves.


When Alex Eskandarkhah and Andre Kelly sat down in a restaurant in 2019, Alex expressed a void due to the nature of modelling.

“Getting paid for modelling is cool, but there has to be more. More than being chosen for what you look like. More than what you can just offer on the surface”

That led to the inception of a media platform called The Gifted Gab. A platform focused on storytelling, dialogue and thinkers. Creativity with no boundaries. From a talk show series, individual journeys meant to inspire, and mundane experiences we all see on a day to day, expressed through comics, skits and other forms of media featuring the likes of Kayla Grey, Jesse Lipscombe, Sterling Scott, and Neema Nazeri, head over to The Gifted Gab website and join the conversation now.


Voices From Home